According to yoga, normal breathing is breathing that can create space in the body.
Breathing is defined as the passage of gases in the respiratory system;
The introduction of Oxygen and the removal of Carbon dioxide.
But the breath has additional layers in which it creates space.
The breathing exercises in Hatha Yoga are called Prana-yama.
Prana - life energy
Yama- control.
That is, according to yogic and Hatha yoga philosophy, breathing is meant to fill our various layers with life energy. To revive.
Breath and space in relation with each one of the different layers that exist in us -
Breathing and space in the physiological layer:
When we physically take deep and full breaths; lengthening of the respiratory and the intercostal muscles occurs, and expansion in the rib cage is taking place.
As a result of the upper body being filled with air or prana as we choose to call it, our chest rises.
When the lungs are filled with air, the body expands from the inside.
Breathing and space in consciousness:
There is a two-way connection between breathing and consciousness.
In writings of different philosophers it is said;
The one who gains control over the breath will gain control over the mind.
That means, there is a direct connection between emotion and thoughts and breathing.
If you think about it there are many phrases and proverbs that describe an emotional state by breathing:
'His breath hitched' or 'Needing something like air to breathe'.
One of the goals of practicing yoga is to create silence in our mind.
By observing and concentrating on the breath, we limit the gaze.
You don't let the mind get busy with thoughts, and in fact by doing so, silence is created in the mind.
That is why there is also silence in the breath.
On the same idea - as soon as we succeed in producing the silence in the breath it will in turn affect what is happening in the mind.
Breathing and energy space:
The last layer that the breathing practice touches is the energetic layer.
It is hard to put into words but we must use words to describe an experience that is beyond words.
Each of us gives a different meaning to words and each different meaning creates creates vibrations in us.
Each of us gives a different meaning to words.
For example when I say cat; Some will say it's a disgusting animal because it rummages through garbage and some will say it's the cutest animal in the world.
The same word, the same object evokes a different interpretation in different people.
Therefore, when we come to discuss experiences that are beyond words, we must remember that there are different interpretations of what is said.
In the philosophy of yoga, a sleeping serpent is described at the base of the spine and we try to wake it up - The Kundalini energy. I like to treat this story as a metaphor for our abilities, and awakening of the kundalini as the journey of revealing the abilities that we do not express.
By practicing yoga and pranayama - the different yogic breaths, we try to create new experiences.
Other experiences from our everyday experience. Those that lead to a different vision, new understandings and the awakening of new feelings.
We try to develop new abilities or develop an ability to observe the abilities hidden in us.
New experience, new insight, new ability
All these produce a general feeling of ability in life (vs dis-ability) and a feeling of aliveness.
A general sense of space. A place of well being.